Friday, November 6, 2020

Raps & Music Production

 Over the past few weeks we have been focusing on music and music production. We had Floyd from Serato come in and talk to us about music production, we even got to have a turn on his equipment! 

After playing with his beats we then made our own using either groove pizza or incredibox and wrote our own lyrics with the theme of Aroha- Love. 

Everyone did such a fantastic job producing, writing and preforming their piece of music. 

Check out our link below to give them a listen!


Monday, October 19, 2020

Te Hiku Film Festival 2020


Te Hiku Manaiakalani Outreach 2 Film Festival 2020

Our theme for the movies this year was “Life in Lockdown” The movies have been played on the big screen at the Te Ahu Cinema in Kaitaia on Monday 19 October 2020. This is one of the lucky movies to be chosen from our school. Congratulations to everyone involved in the production of this movie. Please click on the link to view other Te Hiku Film Festival movies. Please enjoy and feel free to leave a positive, thoughtful and helpful comment below for the students.

Monday, August 31, 2020


Today Te Kahu started their Statistics learning. Check out our Jam Board to see our prior knowledge. 

What do you know about statistics? 
Where have you seen statistics being used? 
What can statistics be used for?
What is it's purpose? 


Monday, August 17, 2020


Today in literacy Te Kahu looked at alliteration and creating tongue twisters. Check out the tongue twisters in our slide deck below and try them out!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Today in Te Kahu we began looking at different language features. We focused on Similes and Metaphors that can be found in music. Check out our padlet to see what we came up with!

Made with Padlet

Monday, July 20, 2020


Welcome back to term 3, this term we will be covering a lot more exciting learning!
Check out the DLO below to see some of the key things we will be up to :) 

Thursday, June 11, 2020


As a part of our Matariki learning the students of Te Kahu were given the task to research, design and create their own Manu Tukutuku (Maori Kite). Everyone worked in pairs and communicated well with each other. They all problem solved and were sustainable with the resources they used.
I am so proud of how their Manu Tukutuku came out. How do you think they did?

Monday, June 8, 2020

Today we began to look at Film Making  We were given a scenario, parameters and limitations then were given time to create a short 90 second film. Click on the link above to check out what we came up with. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Inertia & Acceleration

For science we are focusing on the physical world and have begun looking at different types of motion and force. Today we focused on inertia and acceleration. 
Here are a few pictures of the experiments and tasks we completed. 
In the comments write your definition of acceleration and inertia. 

Jack & the Giant Egg Drop

For our STEAM challenge this week we focused on Engineering. Our task was to design, build and test a parachute to save Jack as he jumped from the top of the bean stalk. In our case, Jack was an egg. Everyone worked together and used their 21st century skills such as communication, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration to construct their parachutes. We had 6 pairs who successfully saved their eggs. Check out the video below!! 


Last week we celebrated Father Larry's birthday by creating a video for him. Everyone in our class contributed, we then shared it during our safe at school online assembly. Father Larry loved all of the birthday wishes he received and his cards from each of the different classes here at PCS.


Thursday, May 14, 2020

As we approach the end of our online learning from home journey I thought it would be nice to celebrate 4 stand out students from the past week. 
 Well done! I am very proud of the home learning you have been producing!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Creativity is something that can be used in all areas of learning, especially in maths. This week we looked at creating Pixel versions of ourselves and also different superheroes. When focusing on symmetry and reflections we had the task to draw the reflection of an image.  

Below is the mirror drawing made by Indi, how awesome did she do!

 Measurement can be used in the kitchen, this week we made playdough and created different creatures. Check out some of them below. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


We are beginning to unpack speeches and today we checked out three awesome young speakers and analysed their speeches. Check out what we thought of them below! 

Celebration Station!

Last week we held our first online school assembly, during this assembly we got to reconnect as a whanau and share some awesome celebrations as a school. 
Here are Te Kahu's great learners who received certificates at last weeks assembly. 

Arrrrrg you ready for a treasure hunt?

When looking into direction we focused on using a compass and giving and following instructions. Students were given the challenge to make a treasure map by giving directions to someone in their whanau. Check out some of our maps below, where would you end up if you followed this map in your home? 




In Te Kahu we looked at articles and newspapers from around the world. 
Students were then given the task to create their own newspaper front page article and publish it to their blogs. Check out some of Te Kahu students amazing work! 





Monday, May 4, 2020

What have we been uptoo??

Te Kahu has been producing some amazing work while working from home. We have focused on ANZAC day, where students researched the Maori Battalion, listened to letters from the war and designed their own Poppies. In maths we have been focusing on shapes, area and perimeter. Everyone has been doing a wonderful job completing their tasks. We also held our first whanau quiz which was a great success and saw Milin's Whanau and Koby's Whanau take out the win.
I am looking forward to seeing more awesome home learning this week!
Keep it up Te Kahu

Monday, April 20, 2020


For math last week we focused on area and perimeter, students in Te Kahu were given the challenge of creating a blueprint of their homes and including the area and perimeter for each room.  
Here are two floor plans from a couple of home learning superstars, Ryan and Piper. Didn't they do amazing!  
Piper. H


For our first week of home learning Te Kahu looked at procedural text. Their task was to choose a topic they wanted to teach to someone else and create a video and a piece of writing that would help do this. In their writing they had to make sure they used the correct chronological sequence, that they used detail and that their instructions were specific. 
Here is a link to Te Kahu's HOW TO Videos, Check it out! 

Thursday, April 16, 2020


Te Kahu is off to an awesome start with our new way of teaching and learning. Remember that all mahi is on our class site as well as the link to our class hangouts. I am loving seeing all of your faces everyday. 
Here is our weekly timetable for scheduled classes. Don't forget that there is lots of other awesome work and links available on our class site. 
Every day students will be filling out a timetable of their day and add in what they have worked on for class, completed at home and any other activities they have participated in. Keep up the great learning Te Kahu :)

Friday, March 13, 2020


In maths we have been working on our problem solving with additive and multiplicative questions. Each student was asked to choose 2 questions as a part of their contract and film themselves solving the problem and explaining their thinking. If you would like to check out our mahi try this link or try the QR code. 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

MAHI TAHI - Week 5

This week for mahi tahi we decided to put our communication and critical thinking skills to the test. We were all put into groups and then began a task called Quizletics. This was a quiz with 20 questions that ranged from general knowledge, to maths, NZ history, literacy, RE and brain teasers. We had to collaborate together and use our 21st century learning skills to solve each question then run them to the teacher to be checked. 

All students worked together well and collaborated to make use of each others strengths. As a teacher I was very proud to see the students 21st Century skills in action. 
Well done seniors! 

Friday, February 21, 2020

Scriptures that relate to Lent

For RE we have begun our LENT unit, today we looked at different scriptures that relate to the pillars of lent and discussed the lessons we have learned from each reading and what the challenges we may face could be. 

How do these readings explore the possible challenges that people face and overcome in today's world? What lessons could be learnt from these readings? 


LESSON: Forgiving others as God forgave you. Everyone deserves a second chance. 
CHALLENGE: Forgiving others when they break your trust. 


LESSON: Keep your faith. Think about WWJD? Always believe. 
CHALLENGE: Still believing even when other people don't. 

LUKE 16:19-31--> GIVING 

LESSON: To always help and care for the poor. 
CHALLENGE: To give to others that don't have much. Give something up of your own. 

Thursday, February 20, 2020

MAHI TAHI - Week 3

Marshmallow Spaghetti Towers 

This week for mahi tahi we built towers using marshmellow and spaghetti. We had to channel our inner engineer, mathematician and architect to make sure that our towers were stable and had a good foundation. The tallest tower made today stood at 69cm, such a good effort made by everyone. It was awesome to hear all of the technical math language being used by everyone and to see that some teams had reflected on last week and decided to plan before creating. Fantastic job team! I am loving seeing you all become one big whanau.

Monday, February 17, 2020

First Mass- 2020


On Friday the 14th of February we had our beginning of the year mass held in the church. It was also our first mass with Father Larry. He shared a message about love for each other and love for and from God. Well done to all those students who stepped up and took on responsibility to serve in the church. 

SCIENCE- week 2


This term in science we are looking into the natural world and how Gods creations work around us. This week we are focusing on plants and how they absorb water. 
The students had to do an experiment write up and carry out an experiment showing how plants absorb water. We decided to do the celery in water experiment to show how water travels through the roots. We will keep you posted with updates on this experiments results. 

UPDATE: here are some updated photos from our observations made in science.