Monday, May 4, 2020

What have we been uptoo??

Te Kahu has been producing some amazing work while working from home. We have focused on ANZAC day, where students researched the Maori Battalion, listened to letters from the war and designed their own Poppies. In maths we have been focusing on shapes, area and perimeter. Everyone has been doing a wonderful job completing their tasks. We also held our first whanau quiz which was a great success and saw Milin's Whanau and Koby's Whanau take out the win.
I am looking forward to seeing more awesome home learning this week!
Keep it up Te Kahu

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora te kahu. You have done some amazing learning from home! It looks like you have all been very busy. Isn't it great that we still all get to see each other's learning? Well done and keep up the great work! Take care and stay safe From Jerusalem at St Patrick's Greymouth.
