Thursday, February 4, 2021

First Mass of 2021!


Today we celebrated our first Mass together as a school for 2021. It was awesome to be back in church and to hear the lovely singing from all of our amazing students and to hear the gospel shared from Father Larry about being welcoming to one another. 

A highlight for me was seeing our fantastic Te Kahu seniors leading our Mass whether it was as altar servers (or Knights of the Altar), singers, powerpoint managers, readers, leading prayers of the faithful or just setting a great example on how to reverent during church from their seats. 

Well done Te Kahu! 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


 We are so excited to be back at school and to start our learning for 2021! 

Te Kahu is a fantastic class of Year 7 & 8 learners. Over the first two days of school we have had a whakatau to welcome all of our new students and whanau, we have created our class Treaty and have been learning a lot about Catherine McAuley and the Acts of Mercy. 

This morning we participated in a prayer rotation based on our Mercy Charism; for this we rotated around 10 different prayer stations where we got to pray for ourselves and pray for others.