Monday, April 20, 2020


For math last week we focused on area and perimeter, students in Te Kahu were given the challenge of creating a blueprint of their homes and including the area and perimeter for each room.  
Here are two floor plans from a couple of home learning superstars, Ryan and Piper. Didn't they do amazing!  
Piper. H


For our first week of home learning Te Kahu looked at procedural text. Their task was to choose a topic they wanted to teach to someone else and create a video and a piece of writing that would help do this. In their writing they had to make sure they used the correct chronological sequence, that they used detail and that their instructions were specific. 
Here is a link to Te Kahu's HOW TO Videos, Check it out! 

Thursday, April 16, 2020


Te Kahu is off to an awesome start with our new way of teaching and learning. Remember that all mahi is on our class site as well as the link to our class hangouts. I am loving seeing all of your faces everyday. 
Here is our weekly timetable for scheduled classes. Don't forget that there is lots of other awesome work and links available on our class site. 
Every day students will be filling out a timetable of their day and add in what they have worked on for class, completed at home and any other activities they have participated in. Keep up the great learning Te Kahu :)