Friday, March 13, 2020


In maths we have been working on our problem solving with additive and multiplicative questions. Each student was asked to choose 2 questions as a part of their contract and film themselves solving the problem and explaining their thinking. If you would like to check out our mahi try this link or try the QR code. 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

MAHI TAHI - Week 5

This week for mahi tahi we decided to put our communication and critical thinking skills to the test. We were all put into groups and then began a task called Quizletics. This was a quiz with 20 questions that ranged from general knowledge, to maths, NZ history, literacy, RE and brain teasers. We had to collaborate together and use our 21st century learning skills to solve each question then run them to the teacher to be checked. 

All students worked together well and collaborated to make use of each others strengths. As a teacher I was very proud to see the students 21st Century skills in action. 
Well done seniors!