Thursday, September 19, 2019

Making Macrame Wall Hangings

We were lucky enough to have Chloe's nana come and teach us how to make Macrame Wall Hangings today as part of our art showcase for our Cultural Evening.
These were so fun to do - once you got the idea of how to do the knots.  It took a lot of concentration and perseverance to create our master pieces, and the students were very proud of their final pieces!  Some got very creative!
Thank you so much Maureen, we really appreciate your time and sharing your expertise, and also supplying us with the materials!!  💗









Duffy Role Model

Regan Taylor

Attended Drama school in Palmerston North after high school, and graduated from the UCOL Theatre School in 2000.  For the past 19 years he has worked as a professional actor (his first pro job being Duffy), a dancer, and an award winning director.
He is a current co-director of 'Te Rehia Theatre Company' based in Auckland, has starred on the big screen, and has toured his own solo show using Te Mata-Kokako o Rehia (Maori performace masks) to re-tell tales 🎭
He is the newest member of The Maori Sidesteps, a hugely entertaining Maori show band based in Wellington.









Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Art and Cultural Evening preparation

Students are well underway preparing their art for our Cultural Evening next week.  They have been introduced to Dot Art - and chosen their image they want to represent through dot's.
Lot's of engagement - and having to practice their perseverance skills!  
"Slow and steady wins the race!"



Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Tuakana / Teina - Making Instruments

Te Kahu class were invited into Kea class to help by assisting students to manage tools to make their amazing instruments.
Tuakana Teina at it's best!  Te Kahu loved it, and were 'wowed' by Kea's creations!