Thursday, August 8, 2019

PCS Cross Country

What a day!! Nothing better than a REAL cross country run 🏃🏽‍♀️ 🏃🏽‍♂️

Well done to all the participants today, impressed with the effort and big smiles at the finish line 👏🏽👏🏽🤗. The mud seems to be the highlight of the day!
Thanks Cutler Whanau for hosting us for another year!! 🙌🏽




Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Matariki Maori Heroes

As part of our Matariki focus, we discussed the legend around Matariki.  This prompted a lot of discussion about how Maori had legends and what they were and meant to people. This then led to the early Maori settlers, and we spoke about how difficult it was for Maori to become accustomed to living in a very different world.  We brainstormed some very successful Maori people, and students led their own learning by selecting a hero they thought had made a name for themselves and displaying their new knowledge in a poster. 
They did a great job, and their posters were very informative!!  Here are a few posters - enjoy!






Friday, August 2, 2019

Making Matariki Soup

Matariki Soup!! 🍲 This was in conjunction with our Matariki mahi and was student lead. They grouped themselves, looked up a recipe, and brought their own ingredients and utensils in. They all created different versions of Matariki soup - and they were all delicious!! All very different flavours, and all very tasty.. we have some very skilled chefs amongst us, who know what flavours accentuate other flavours etc... I got to sample them all 😋







Thursday, August 1, 2019

Filming with Harley

Our first filming lesson with Harley. Harley is from Kerikeri and makes films. He is visiting schools teaching students how to make movies with a goal of making one, and presenting it at Te Ahu Centre competing with other schools. 🙌🏽

The school has purchased all the equipment needed to make these lessons possible.. and everyone takes an active role to pull it altogether. Pretty clever lot they are! 🎥







Constable Rowena Jones

Today we had a visit with Constable 👮🏽‍♀️ Rowena Jones, our Community Officer, who came to talk to us about being safe online. She shared why it is so important to not reveal any important information. We learnt how to create a safe password, and we designed posters to raise awareness for the school 👌🏽



Cyber Safety Awareness

Following on from our visit with Constable Rowena Jones, we brainstormed topics that were harmful when online.  Students then selected a topic to research more about, taking notes of new learning and information they found powerful. They then created posters to showcase their learning.  These posters had to be eye catching and informative - but not too much writing.I think they did an amazing job!!  These were just a few of them.  Well done Te Kahu 🙌